Monday, July 23, 2012


So yesterday the helicopter did some "emergency" extra runs to get people off the island. I thus had to see the only other company I've really had here leave to go back to Finland. It really surprised me how badly it affected me, like a punch in the stomach and a sensation of wanting to throw up. The realization that I have to stay here at least 3 more weeks without anyone to talk to really hit me. Well, to be honest I'm not really alone, I do live with a Faroese family, but we do not talk much other than casual pleasantries and our relationship really isn't the best. Not to mention there's no one the same age as me on the island. Even though I enjoy being on my own from time to time this is a whole new level of alone. To be honest I feel rather scared of this new situation, I'm booking my flights as soon as possible so that I at least have an end in sight.


  1. ekkkkkkkkkk! cheer up, 테레사! in fact, can't say anything more than 'kudos' though... cheer up, t! music saves my life, always! it helps at every moment. listen to some chill out music! hope it would help you in certain way! xx

  2. We are coming to rescue you! See you soon. Meanwhile write a song: the title should be 'i and the isle waiting for rescue'

  3. Ugh, jag kan bara försöka föreställa mig hur det känns för dig. Jag tycker det är en mycket bra plan att boka biljetterna snarast möjligt - som du sa, då vet du när du kan fara därifrån!
    Jag vill egentligen inte säga "tre veckor går sen ändå ganska snabbt", för den väntandes tid är lång och då känns det inte som att det går snabbt..
    Men kämpa på! Du klarar det! Du är en av de starkaste och mest självständiga människor jag känner!
    Och kom ihåg - man får alltid messa mej etc för att snacka om vad som helst! :)
